
Xai Xai road open again

After the EN1 road north of Maputo was closed at Xai Xai due to the road simply disappearing last week...the…

12 years ago

Rock Salmon caught at Barra

A prize specimen in the Tofo market today. These hardy fish seem to be surviving the onslaught around here. Although…

12 years ago

Baby Great White being finned at Guinjata

Well I am not sure what this all means to each different ocean using community out there...but it sure stokes…

12 years ago

Storm surge…

The scene of the time two local fishermen saved the life of a local kid caught in a high tide…

12 years ago

Umzimkulu Dorado!

When the rivers fill right up with brown pigmented water from the summer rain catchment areas in Kwa-Zulu Natal, they …

12 years ago

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