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Staying calm on a really big fish

Staying calm on a really big fish

Staying calm on a really big fish can make the difference.

We were patrolling the shallows on a slow, beautiful day off Barra. So clean we could see the bottom. All sand with the odd rock or starfish dotted about. We were riding a front console boat – a Cobra Cat, splashing down a few coldies and staring into the aquarium in front of us – as we cruised with the sun behind us.

At about 6 knots, hoping for a Natal Snoek in these waters, lo and behold, a young marlin appears in front of us. We are literally riding straight over it. The three of us at the front simultaneously errupted into our infamous war cry – maaaaaarliiiiiiin!

That fish got the fright of it’s life and literally tail walked away from us – leaving us in hysterics, but no marlin.

It is well established that fish are sensitive to sounds and the goings-on about them. Staying calm on a big marlin is one of the secrets to getting the fish away nice and easy and after a short fight. Rather than a long protracted ordeal which we don not want.

You can see how the professionals do it, right here on this video…which Captain Duarte Rato, dug out of his video archives, and sent to me to make something with…as we navigate through this idiotic Lockdown.

Staying calm on a big fish with

So there you have it. Stay as calm as you can and try to impart some of that calmness onto your crew, and onto the fishT the featured fish above was very well behaved for an animal so very green. Staying calm on the boat certainly contributes to the overall situation.

Once again – a testament to the talent and experience that this crew have amassed whilst spending decades fishing for beasts like that black marlin – and other fish in that class. In the absolutely insane waters of the Bazaruto Archipelago.

Get in touch with Duarte via or right here on The Sardine News. contact Sean on or WhatsApp +27793269671.

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By The Sardine News

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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