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Spearfishing Natal waters weekly

Spearfishing Natal waters weekly

Conditions this week have been better than the last two weeks by far. The big swell dropped off Monday and the sea settled nicely. The bad news is the north east picked up today (Friday) and a fresh North east is blowing as I write this. Saturday a moderate north east blows till late afternoon with the swell starting at 1.8m and dropping off during the day with a moderate south westerly starting up in the late afternoon. Sunday the south westerly pics up during the day and so does the swell from 1.5m in the morning to 2m late afternoon. The diving outlook for this weekend is not good and its spring low in the mornings. Sunday morning there might be a gap. Due to the conditions this weekend our species comp has been postponed. Some great fish were shot this week so a hero mission might be worth it. As always dive safe and straight spears

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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