Sardines at Cintsa 8 June 2023 Report: our network of sardine spies extends to the beautiful beaches of Cintsa. Just a little ways a north of East London, this is a very picturesque spot. And it seems that the sardines also think its quite cool and pitched up there yesterday. In numbers!
Well ok let’s watch and listen to the video report…thank you Kevin for being so on the ball….
And so it seems that the big Kayser Beach Shoal is on the move and should be into the Transkei Wild Coast waters today sometime.
Its not the only shoal, but to hear Kevin (Qhora) sounding so excited, I am kinda convinced too…that this is the main body of early sardines. Staying together and moving slowly up the coast.
So if we work out that these shoals are moving very slowly. And sometimes in the wrong direction, we can deduce that it will still take another week, or even two, for meaningful sightings to be experienced in the Port St Johns areas and northwards to KZN. I haven’t even seen one sardine mesh team on the roads in KZN yet.
This is normal. The sardines are following very much the same pattern as last year. And the year before. And the gazillions of predators who have beaten us to them, still need to gorge themselves some more, before they let some shoals through for us.
So if you are planning to come and join the greatest show on earth, delay as much as possible. Late June and into July are the best months for sure. Even August. And by then sardine fever has dropped down to a steady hum. From a mighty roar.
Stay with us here at The Umzimkulu Marina where Umzimkulu Adrenalin can get you out to sea and in amongst it all. Divers AND fishermen are welcome.
And The Sardine News is where you find out about the sardines each. And out of saridne season we keep hammering away with surfing, fishihng and diving news. COnservation oriented community that would love to have you included.
Check out the previous years’ maps…
And then this years map…updated constantly…
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