Sardines and Garrick: by Jason Heyne

Sardines and Garrick: by Jason Heyne

Well it’s hard to believe but it’s sardines and garrick in the bay off Durban this week!? And along with the nice garrick being shot, the daga salmon are still eager aswell, coming right into the shallows in some places. Carl Gous got two Greeks off Seapoint in Friday in the heavy seas…and today (Sunday) looks to be a pearler.

A big up to Jason Heyne for compiling this weekly roundup of diving and conditions up and down the KZN coastline.

“August winds are still blowing making north coast undiveable with some viz down lower south coast where garrick and daga salmon are still coming out. The West this week brought some big swell but also some clean water from scottborough to hibberdene today.  Forcast for Saturday looks good with swell dropping to 1.5m and a moderate North easterly blowing in the afternoon dropping the swell more for Sunday to about 1m with a north easterly blowing again in the afternoon. We are having our open Species spearfishing competition on the 31st of October. More details to follow. As always dive safe and straight spears. “
Nice haul!
Daga salmon
2017 Sardine Report


Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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