Sardine run makes for great deep sea fishing

Sardine run makes for great deep sea fishing

The 2015 sardine run makes for great fishing on the southern African eastern seaboard – as the little fishies light up the lives of reef and game fish up and down the coast.

Here featuring in, correspondent Marc Lange and his mates Koos and Andre Viviers reveal their catch from a days fishing out of Skollie Beach, on the KZN South Coast.

Catches like these are associated with the sardine run – this kind of fishing doesn’t happen every day – that for sure!

It’s been a great sardine and fishing run this year. The sardines have not pulled in en masse and their sporadic and widely distributed migration makes humans and fish alike come alive with the sardine fever.

The fish are notably shallower in the sardine run, and many musselcracker are being reported too.

Deep sea fishing during the sardine run…Andre Viviers and a beautiful musselcracker taken shallow off Shelley Beach.
That smile is says it all…the Geelbek love the sardine run too. Luckily they stick around for quite some time longer after the sardines have vanished. Geelbek are consistently being caught right up and down the entire eastern coastline at the moment.


Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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