Categories: ReportSardines

Sardine roundup

Sardine roundup

From Debbie Smith and Offshore Africa yesterday, down in Port St. Johns. And Jay Steenkamp on the KZN lower south coast, where it’s all happening.

Offshore Africa…”Some great gannet action happening off Agate Terrace, Port St John’s this morning A lot of bird working the 40-50m depth column but in dirty water. From a distance it looked like a Brydes Whale working the area as well. A stunning warm day here in PSJ with small surf.”

These pics aree from this very morning. Thanks Jay! Sardine roundup

Sporadic, yet frequent sardine encounters are being reported in from up and down the Transkei and KZN South Coasts. It seems that there are indeed plenty sardines around, but they are not concentrated in one shoal. Rather, they are spread far and wide and are giving people all over, a taste of the action.

From Jay Steenkamp in the air and on the beach…

“Very quiet here today. Surf is the same as yesterday and temp still 22. Sharks board flying to East London at the moment, really good conditions all round…”

“Same as yesterday, little Gos had sardines on the backline, lots of birds off Port St Johns, that was the report from yesterdays flight”

“Umgababa. 2 nets. 80 crates each, sardines right in the bay”

“Jig and drop anglers are hooking up on gamefish in the Kelso area”


To get right in on the action, pay a visit to and see if you can book a slot on one of their upcoming ocean adventures…

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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