Whilst the sardines in Durban had all the attention, some good fishing out deep is going on. Pink Salmon by Marc Lange
Except for the news sent in by Adam Kamdar, with video, of sardine netters doing their thing this early morning, things have been characteristically quiet. The pilot shoals have kind of run out. Been eaten mostly. Some netted.
And now the wait is on.
In this sardine report however, we have a little advice on how to survive the times in between sardine shoals.
Light sticks. Tiny traces. Small baits. BIG FUN! Our guests here for the 2021 Sardine Run, are regular Shaun Begg, and his mate Arno Davies. Both of these guys can fish already so all I am doing is showing them where to go. So far they have each racked up a bunch of species. Including some noteworthy Blacktail.
Scratching in the gulleys and the inside can really help your mental health when the sea is on it’s head like it’s been for the last long while. And the sardines are between stops. Just remember not to ever have your back to the waves. And beware of slippery rocks!
Many fish are around waiting for the big shoals of sardines, now that they’ve had a taste. And if you really work hard, some really good fishing is out there.
You can see more of this kind of action at https://thesardine.co.za. Where we also have an interactive map logging all verified sardine sightings for this sardine run in 2021.
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