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Sardine Report 2023 May 21 from Qhora

Sardine Report 2023 May 21 from Qhora

Thank you Kevin from Salt Fishing South Africa.

Our very first YouTube Sardine Report 2023!

Luckily we have Salt Fishing South Africa correspondent Kevin all the way down past Mazeppa Bay and in the very deep Transkei Wild Coast. At a place called Qhora Mouth. Where Kevin can see the early stages of every sardine run unfold.

This year, once again, like last year, is being affected by dirty water. Dirty water from the storm runoff of the last few heavy rainfalls we have recently experienced right up and the eastern seaboard of Southern Africa. And dirty water from our very own failed municipalities that pump sewage willy-nilly into the ocean whenever they feel like it.

Counter Currents

When the very powerful Agulhas Current, which flows down from Mozambique and northern waters, is held out to sea by a high-pressure weather system (north easterlies), the inshore waters become a counter current. The cold water upwells in these conditions too. Ideal for dispersing pollutants and all sorts, that are being pumped into the ocean, EVERYWHERE, by ALL municipalities here in KZN.

Stay in the Blue

And watch that big cloud bank that sometimes sits on the horizon. And sometimes moves right in (low-pressure systems), the water warms, cleans up, and its all business as usual.

Lately, however, that current and its associated cloud bank have been way to sea. Luckily last week though, from the 7th to the 14th, saw the low-pressure systems dominating. And man oh man did we see and shoot a helluva lot of fish during the well-timed 2023 spearfishing nationals. Well almost lucky, more about that to follow…Umzimkulu Adrenalin has all those stories btw at

But when it ain’t blue, stay out of the water. There are also sorts of pathogens and viral horribles that are also being pumped into the ocean with the raw sewage. Daily. And all this stuff, in the high pressures, get trapped in the counter currents and upwellings and are very well distributed from bathing beach to beach. Where eager and unsuspecting tourists are lured into falling victim to the terrible consequences of staph or other types of infection so rife these days.

More at

Sardine Report 2023 May 21 from Qhora also features in the 2023 Sardine Report Sightings Map available right HERE>

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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