Sardine Report 2015

“When the red hot pokers bloom, winter is upon us!” – Louis Wolmarans chanted. It was many, many years ago, but Louis still charges the KZN South Coast with more gusto than any grom. The only hassle, is that when the aloes flower like this, it’s also sardine season!

Sardine report 2015: “When the red hot pokers bloom, winter is upon us.” A chant by Louis Wolmarans

Just in from Jay Steenkamp at sea off Nyameni in the Transkei, right now:

“Glenmore has the most action. Small pockets being hammered by Gannets, which are everywhere. Just had school of bottlenose charging hard to the north with more Gannets chasing after them, diving, gorging, on sardines.

The surf is 4-5ft with a stiff offshore blowing. Sea temperature is 22 degrees.”

Thanks Jay!

So except for the slightly warmer water, the stars have lined up and it looks good for the sards to come in close and in reach. Yesterdays cast net catch of sardines in Umtentweni has got the carparks a-buzzing, and now it’s only a matter of being in the right place, at the right time.

Not sure what’s in the distance but it could be anything sardine. This photo was taken a few minutes ago, off Nyameni in the Transkei, by Jay Steenkamp, the man on the scene…


Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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