


Any of us who have had the sheer pleasure of eating and partying at The Jungle Monkey in Port St. Johns, will have been reeling at the news, that the place burnt down.

Yip, a fire in the kitchen brough the bar, the restaurant, and the office down in flames.

Fortunately, the main house and all accommodation survived. Nobody got injured. But the loss is devastating and all has to be rebuilt from scratch.

This is a chance to pitch in and help – a financial donation from each of us will go far in helping The Jungle Monkeys get their place of work back in order and producing the amazing food, live entertainment, cold beer, hot coffee and laughs and smiles we all get from being at The Jungle Monkey.

Please click on over to their website, to see the damages, and pitch in!

Use #rebuildjunglemonkey wherever you can please!

Thank YOU!

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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