No sardines to report: shark nets and lines back in…

No sardines to report: shark nets and lines back in…

It’s an ominous omen when this happens. The Natal Sharks Board have started putting their gear back in at all you favourite Blue Flag and other beaches. Blind for the sharks and other marine life the nets interfere with. Dolphins. Whales. Turtles…etc.

Humpbacks can still be spotted frolicking out deeper but the dolphins and birds have been absent. Maybe the sardines are way out deep, as they have been known to hide out there. And the humpbacks are eating them? 😉

In the meantime, it’s just shad, shad and more shad, everywhere you go.

An interesting chat to Darrell Hattingh this morning revealed that many, many garrick, were patrolling the points this past two weeks. Darrell has shot his fair share, and his catch report over this time included an 8kg Queen Mackerel / Natal Snoek. He saw quite a few more. Another was shot at Chakas (Morne I think).

A Snoek was caught off The Block on Sunday, and with a Yellowfin Tuna also caught from the side right there, has meant The Block has been yielding the most quality fish it has in years. Salmon / Kob are even being taken in the daytime, and the artificial gang across on the Sandspit also got a garrick on paddletail, in amongst their salmon.

Mike Stubbs went north of Scottburgh on the weekend to find all sorts on the bite, including one really beautiful parrotfish which was duly released, healthy and wiser.

Nice reel pal!
Yep, this is what it's ALL about!
Parrotfish released healthy
No sardines to report: Mike Stubbs having fun just north of Scotties
Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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