Categories: Report

Neptunes on Fire!

Neptunes on Fire!

Anyone for volleyball?

The swell was small but the conditions and waves so perfect it was mesmerising. The takeoff was critical with not many waves made all the way through in this session.

Some bigger sets came through though and it was all so super fast – take-off, pump and just go go go…

Afterwards, a cold beer and an epic chow rounded the day off. Neptunes, owned by surfer couple, Wayne and Jo, on the Barra peninsula – is not only right in front of one of the most trending waves on the planet these days, but also pumps out value and delicious food. They have accommodation in cool casitas and a few other options. Jordy Smith stayed here when he scored the yet-to-be named sandbar (“Neptunes” will do for now) – and had it splashed on websites and in magazines all over the world!

Fortunately the wave is totally fickle, and is not likely to ever be a crowded out spot – there just so many variables that have to ticked off, for this spot to throw like it does. But when it does…oei!



Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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