Mick Fanning survives shark in attack in Jbay

Mick Fanning survives shark in attack in Jbay

Brandon Lange down in Jbay for the contest was witness to the shark attack on Mick Fanning today.

Fanning felt something touch his leg rope and so instinctively kicked back hard thereby avoiding the business end of a huge looking great white stupid, and probably saving his life! It does look like his leg rope actually got stuck in the sharks mouth as Fanning gets propelled forward. Then it seems to bite through and turn back knocking Fanning right off his board and into the water with the animal. He then proceeded to punch and kick out at the shark, again, probably saving his life, and then the jet ski ridden by Grant Spooner saved his hide.

Check the size of that fin!

Mick Fanning survives shark in attack in Jbay

And how about this JBay escape story, down at the gulley, where a dolphin gave it’s life to save a surfer?!?!

Check this link…


Whaaaaat TTTT FFFF!

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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