Categories: Rock n Surf

Marlin off the rocks

Marlin off the rocks

It seems there is no end to these Australians. Check this hour long feature movie shot on location in Jarvis Bay somewhere in Oz. These guys are catching huge yellowfin tuna and marlin – OFF THE SIDE!

They call this spot The Tubes?! Didn’t spot any waves around…mmm. The other spot is Devil’s Gorge.

So for those of you with an hour  and an uncapped connection – enjoy. It is truly amazing watching marlin tail-walking off towards a cliff.

The video is also very well put together and does a great job in capturing the entire scene. This crew is hardcore. They sleep over right there waiting for the action, and when it’s on, it requires quite a gang to wrestle these huge and dangerous fish up out of the ocean.

The video was from last year, 2014…


Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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