
KZN South Coast citizens called on to join protest action against Shell’s seismic surveys

Thank you to KMOS! And also for the cool memes at bottom of the post. Use them! – Xona

For Immediate Attention

01 December 2021 KZN Mid-South Coast citizens called on to join protest action against Shell’s seismic surveys It’s time for South Africans to take action against the needless degradation of the ocean environment in search of destructive fossil fuels.

Environmentalists, scientists and concerned citizens are rallying against Royal Dutch Shell’s seismic surveying on the Wild Coast, with the mid-South Coast among the many beachside venues.

Citizens are called on to join the gathering on Sunday, 5 December at 10am taking place at Widenham Beach (Umkomaas), Scottburgh Main Beach and Pennington Beach. “The harmful surveying process comes just three weeks after the conclusion of the COP26 climate conference where global leaders committed to cutting carbon emissions and reducing reliance on ‘dirty’ energy sources,” explained Claire Taylor, co-founder of the KZN Mid-South Coast Ocean Supporters NPO (KMOS), organiser of the event (in coalition with Oceans Not Oil). “The exploration process will not only impact this ecologically-sensitive ecosystem, but will be devastating for the communities dependent on the ocean for survival – whether it’s through fishing or tourism activities.

We simply cannot stand by and let ‘big energy’ destroy our marine life and livelihoods for their own profit. That’s why we’re urging all citizens to join us on 5 December at their nearest beach to make their voices heard.” Starting on Wednesday, 1 December, Norwegian company, Shearwater GeoServices, will conduct a three-dimensional (3D) offshore seismic survey from Morgan Bay to Port St Johns to map out any potential deposits of oil and gas.

The research vessel, Amazon Warrior, uses military-grade seismic cannons to fire loud shock-wave emissions every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day for five months – before moving to the Eastern Cape where blasting will continue for another five months from Gqeberha to Plettenburg Bay. Fast facts about the seismic survey ·The petroleum industry uses marine seismic surveys to map potential deposits of oil and gas under the seabed. If found in sufficient quantities, the next phase is exploratory drilling before extraction or mining. ·The proposed survey area – Transkei Block Exploration Right – is approximately 20km offshore in water depths ranging from 700m to 3000m covering more than 6 000 km2 of ocean surface. ·

The blasting for the seismic surveys creates a high-intensity sound reaching 230 to 250 decibels.

There is no baseline research on the effects of seismic surveys, they have been known to cause behavioural changes in marine life, stress, embolisms and damage to body tissue. ·These affect a range of marine organisms from smaller creatures to larger animals. Marine mammals appear to be most impacted because of their reliance on sound for communication, to find food and navigate. ·Four of South Africa’s 41 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are within the area known as the Transkei Block Exploration Right. Amathole Offshore (50km offshore), Dwesa-Cwebe (14km), Hluleka and Pondoland (slightly north). ·

MPAs protect unique marine biodiversity with a high number of species found nowhere else in the world. The impacts of the sound from the seismic survey travels great distances through water, meaning that the marine life in the MPAs may be impacted. Join the Mid-South Coast gathering The KZN Mid-South Coast gathering forms part of the nationwide objection taking place along the South African coastline on the day. People from all over the coast will gather at their nearest beaches to show their solidarity for the cause. 

Environmental Conservation NPO, The Bataleurs, will be deploying a squadron of aircraft for a coast-to-coast flyover, taking aerial footage to provide visuals of the power of this movement. Date: Sunday, 5 DecemberTime: 10am to 2pmVenues: Widenham Beach (Umkomaas), Scottburgh Main Beach and Pennington Main BeachWear: BlueBring: Placards, banners …anything to make an impact

Note: The event is fully Covid-compliant and all attendees must wear masks. Regretfully no dogs allowed. 

For more information, contact:Claire Taylor (Scottburgh & Umkomaas): 076 503 7895Debbie Anderson (Pennington): 084 455 0177 This is a constantly evolving story so keep updated by checking the Facebook page ‘Mid to South Coast KZN Say NO to seismic surveys’ and follow these hashtags on social media:#oceansnotoil#tohellwithshell#savethewildcoast#phantsikweShell (down with shell)#shukumoshalwandle (don’t destroy the sea)#Shellimoshindalo (shell is destroying the environment)#sukumoshindaloyethu (don’t destroy our env)#asifuniseismicblasting (we don’t want seismic blasting)#shellakungenwaapha (shell is not allowed to enter here)

*Sources: /ENDS All images are complimentary for media use, provided the correct photographer credit is included and the images are published in conjunction with the content supplied.(Images supplied)High resolution images are available upon request.  

Issued on behalf of:KZN Mid-South Coast Ocean Supporters NPO (KMOS)Claire Taylor (Co-Founder) Disseminated by:
Olivia Jones Communications 

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