Jaco Blignaut number one again
Jason Heyne reports in that Jaco Blignaut has taken the nationals again! And a few other things from under the waves up and down the KZN spearfishing coast.
The diving conditions were OK Saturday and Sunday then swell and wind every day made for an upset sea. Couta garrick and snoek are around and plenty other gamefish should be around as well because the sardines have arrived. Saturday a light offshore blows in the morning switching to a light to moderate north east in the afternoon with swell starting at 2.2 m and settling down to 1.5m later in the day. Sunday a light offshore blows in the morning with negligible wind later on and small 1.3m swell. So it looks like Sunday is a green light for a dive. Fish of the week goes to Kobus Delport with a 12.5kg garrick which also won him biggest gamefish at the SAUFF comp on the weekend. Well done to our KZN divers who cleaned up at Nationals. Well done Jaco Blignaut for placing 1st in individual event. Thank-you Freedivers and Rob Allen for sponsoring gear! As always dive safe and straight spears.
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