
Images from Mark Addison Sardine Run talk at Crocworld Conservation Centre

Images from Mark Addison Sardine Run talk at
Crocworld Conservation Centre
Mark Addison (Assagay), Abey Marais (Pretoria) and Elset Marais (Pretoria).
Gordon Wood, Mike Kanerman and Val Kanerman (Pennington).
Mark Addison (Assagay), Gail Addison (Assagay) and Olivia Symcox (Scottburgh).
Laurain and Jim Goss-Ross (Umkomaas).
Mike Bentley (Pennington) Lesley Bentley (Pennington), Mark Addison (Assagay) and Doug Cooke (Scottburgh).
Linda Kent (Mtwalume), Mark Addison (Assagay) and Tom Kent (Mtwalume).
Linda Kent (Mtwalume), Mark Addison (Assagay) and Tom Kent (Mtwalume).
Christine and Bryan Makepeace (Pennington).

On Saturday 09 April, Crocworld Conservation Centre hosted a talk by renowned local marine life expert, Mark Addison (Assagay).  Addison’s talk was entitled ‘A visual journey of the sardines and where to now for these special little fish”, and gave guests an insight into the world of these incredible creatures using state-of-the-art visual technology. From marine research on projects covering a variety of wildlife, to saving sharks through constant awareness, Addison brings the ocean to life for millions of people around the world, and his presentation was a truly captivating experience.


Olivia Jones

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