Ray Bannister-Jones caused a mild sensation when he weighed in what was then thought to be a giant Cape yellowtail, way back in the sixties. BJ (the reef’s namesake), fished the deep waters off Hibberdene as a commercial, whenever the current allowed him. He had found those canyons and cliffs on the edge of the continental shelf, and it was out here, that he pulled up the 56.5 kg whopper, Amberjack on the South Coast.
The fish was photographed in black and white and the IGFA record was incorrectly lodged, as the world’s biggest yellowtail.
Many years went by without anyone doubting the authenticity of this meritorious fish. And then all of a sudden, amberjack started featuring in catches on Protea Reef, off Shelley Beach. Once again, the fish were sometimes incorrectly identified as tropical yellowtail, until some really big ones started coming out.
The Hibberdene crew (Mike Lang, Taffy Goldstone, Neil Campbell, Ant Defillipi) targeted the fish, rigged up with some very serious tackle, and started sending live bonito to the bottom in 75metres of water. The fish they all came back with were legendary.
And so it is that, if you are tough enough, and the conditions allow you a shot at them, world record class amberjack are swirling around those pinnacle and through those fissures – right now!
To have a go at these powerful predators, call Brian on 083 449 7626 or email umzimkulu@gmail.com
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