Bigger... 2020 marlin season: Surviving the Batman Flu has been a full-time endeavour for the FishBazaruto squad. Home-schooling and all sorts!
We are back!
The fleet is back on the water right now and as you can see from the following featured FishBazaruto posts by Captain Duarte Rato – they are rocking and rolling all over again.
The most recent posts are at the top of this list…
The collection of blog posts that Duarte has religiously kept since we started this website, is fine reading matter. Use the Captains Log menu item on the main menu of the website, to see all of the action.
There is a helluva lot to learn and be inspired by. Especially the fact that many of those big mommas that Duarte chases for a living, also swim by here (KZN) on their way to their big date off Baz.
There is no doubt that the congregation of big fish each season in those purple waters, is for spawning purposes. Although not much data can back this up, their behavioural patterns at this spectacular bite time, are typical of a mating formation. A big momma, and a bunch of suitors chasing it as frantically as Duarte!
Actually, unbelievably, Duarte and the crew have stopped fishing for the year. They customarily do this even though nobody can believe it. Even me!
There are a few posts outstanding from Duarte so check his website soon!
However…closer to home…
Just in the last few days, fishing out off the Umzimkulu on the Niteshift, we have encountered a pair of most likely striped marlin, swimmig around the boat. Whilst we were catching dorado. FACT. Every year with the dorado, are the striped marlin, in shoals too! We have seen them 10 or more together, and we have hooked, nit caught, out fair share along the colour line over the years.
It is just quite simply that nobody targets billfish here. Nobody. If you dragged a good spread wherever this colour line materialises, you are IN with a chance. You will need about 7 to 9 knots, four konas and two daisies down the middle. Big daisies.
And hold on tight!
You want me to arrange this? No problem except one of our motors self-exploded last night, on the Niteshift! Luckily my Dad was awake, and fire-fighted the fire out. More on this bummer development later.
In the meantime we have many backup boats to choose from…so get in touch for some colour line action.
Sean on or +27 79 326 9671 anytime!
Post by The Sardine News for, with whom we have been working with over a decade!
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