
Legging it with the Green Net and Tony Turton on the Umzimkulu

Legging it with the Green Net and Tony Turton on the Umzimkulu Legging it with the Green Net and Tony…

4 years ago

Sonar tagging Zambezi Sharks with Calum Murie

Sonar tagging Zambezi Sharks: Calum Murie could have been anything. But he chose to spend his life chasing huge sharks…

6 years ago

Last chance at Windows 10 for FREE

Last chance at Windows 10 for FREE If you, like me, ended up with one of your machines not upgraded…

7 years ago

FishBazaruto’s game-fishing video playlist getting bigger and better

FishBazaruto's game-fishing video playlist getting bigger and better Game-fishing for the camera! It's real cool when the kids take over and…

8 years ago

Phoney Phishing with Proof of Payments

Phoney Phishing with Proof of Payments Please be careful not to open any PoP's (Proof of Payments) that are coming…

8 years ago

Social: When and how often should I post?

Social: When and how often should I post? Social marketing by The Sardine News How often and where should I…

8 years ago

Survey in Pomene

Survey in Pomene Clint Marx of LM Surveys gave The Sardine a call and asked about the feasibility of getting…

8 years ago

I spent the morning chatting to a robot!?

I spent the morning chatting to a robot!? I spent the morning chatting to a robot!? It's a +31 number…

9 years ago

Programmatic Marketing by

Programmatic Marketing by Need more bites? is a great source of surfing, fishing, diving and environmental news from…

9 years ago

Catching kob in Port St. Johns with #1 Mydo Luck Shot

Catching kob in Port St. Johns with #1 Mydo Luck Shot The original #1 Mydo is turning out to be…

9 years ago

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