The TAX man...! It's not a good feeling...that thud, and thump as the taxman grabs a-hold of your fish, shaking… Click on the above link for the full story... "Recently, a 2 year old 14 lb. school bluefin originally…
Sailfish on this eastern African coast come alive at this time of year. The water warms to over 26 degrees,…
Marius Awcamp Catch Report Marius has one of the better jobs in the world – he can fish while he…
Shaun Posthumous and Mark Perreira turned up the drag on these two gas bottle sized yellowfin tuna last week. Weighing…
In Maputo, at the Hotel Girassol on 09 and 10 October , the fourth and last Regional Seminar on Monitoring of…
Pierre de Villiers in the Transkei After his annual winter sojourn from the Durban coast home to the Cape,…
MustByt Charters join Mike Schneider and his team at MustByt Charters in Shelley Beach have many years fishing and…
Although everyone seemed to have done their bit, the NSRI included...Wayne Marsh deserves special mention...he drew on his fitness and… Check it out! "What U Want" Restaurant - in Tofo, - an Italian flavour and sense of style have…
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