The tides of March are marching The tides of March are marching again, and it's quite tough to understand why.…
More from Flipper Well he is back and at his his usual playful self, as our resident dolphin un-aptly named…
Trawler Watch The sardines are prepping for their annual suicide run up the east coast of Southern Africa right now.…
A box of Mydos in the mail! Order your Mydos online at Wish I was getting a box like…
The Umzimkulu River is cleaning up! After a great time catching eel and barbel in the flood waters recently, the…
Bazaruto Baitball Blowup The recent cyclone and weird weather may have had something to do with things but Bazaruto has…
Radical new IGFA rules The new IGFA rules published recently include some long overdue and revolutionary amendments. The main one…
Chris Bertish Stand up Guy It's all fair and well being a Bertish, and crossing the Atlantic Ocean ace-out on a…
Cyclone Dineo: Message from Lalaland in Tofo, Inhambane Some of you may know that southern Mozambique just sustained a direct hit…
Angola Grander Blue Marlin Some more pics of the sensational Angola Grander Blue Marlin taken this week. This time off…
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