On this trip I went fishing with 2 good friends friends of mine Ruan and Hein Nel , we went to Kasouga for the weekend and already had our first cast on the friday late afternoon , we decided to walk to a spot called lonely rock south of the Kasouga river – it is about an hours walk and can easily be identified by a lonely rock standing on the waters edge.
Day 1 the conditions were shocking following a 3 day spring tide and I thought that we would struggle to get fish , But as my first cast hit the water it was on immediately I managed to land a interesting species called an Eal tailed barbel and what was to follow was absolute chaos where the 3 of us couldn’t even manage to keep our lines in the water . We were catching dog sharks 1 cast after the other so we decided to go look for some calmer water more towards the northen side .
Lines were in and I hooked into a leopard cat shark which was landed and not long after Ruan nell followed with 1 of his own we landed countles fish
Day 2 broke and we headed in the same direction Ruan immediately was in to his first dog shark we then decided to each put out a bigger vait for a spotted gully shark and left them in the pipes while we continue catching small dog sharks not long and I saw my bigger rod getting some slack line I immediately grabbed it and felt the fish taking the bait I hooked up with the spotty and ruan Graves it Ruan soon after managed to catch a beautiful black muscle craker we also caught some lovely octupus in between the rocks whislt looking for baits all together it was o lovely trip with awesome times.
Yours in angling Brandon
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