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Ben’s first rock salmon – caught in the Umzimkulu

Ben’s first rock salmon – caught in the Umzimkulu

Ben’s first rock salmon – caught in the Umzimkulu: man-oh-man it’s cool for me when I get good anglers on my trips. And these two, Dad Stephen and kid Ben, are top drawer.

And they are from Cape Town! And pitched up in shorts! I had layers and layers on. I was in fact just short of donning my waders to keep that icy offshore breeze from getting in at me. But ok, on time to greet the mellow incoming neap tide, we set out. On the good ship Umzimkulu, who is back in action BTW!


Trolling and flicking lures along the way, cris-crossing the channels and trying really hard. I threw a camera out the back to see what was there. Nothing as it turned out. The neaps are just not strong enough to really push that warm blue water up to where we like it. Although right at the mouth, our underwater camera trap did catch some aqua blue coming in. But again, not even a mullet swam by.

Live mullet

Were easy to catch back at the Umzimkulu Marina where they hide from the hordes down at the mouth. I have started treating my live baits a whole lot better these days. After seeing them on camera underwater taking so much strain with a hook through it’s head or body. So I got a nice little darning needle from upstairs and threaded the mullet Catalina style. Or marlin style, if you like.

The happy little pair of mullet each took a direction and we settled in for the 20-minute wait.

Ben’s first rock salmon


The little guy took off against the slight circle-hook drag that I had set for Ben. It was real funny as he fumbled with that screaming drag trying to get it tight enough to stop his little rockie from going all the way to the mouth.

Now it was Ben’s turn to show some mettle and he pulled that first rock salmon straight back through the trees that he went right through!

Stephen got the video rolling and we captured the catch and release of Ben’s first rock salmon!

Watch it all right here…

But ok, it’s great fun making these videos so come and star in one of your very own. Join us down here in Port Sheptone as we make the most of the limited activities we are allowed to do.

Including fishing!

There are still sardines swimming by. And although the surf has gotten real big, the water out at sea off Port Shepstone yesterday was a sardine perfect 19 degrees Celsius.

The estuary itself is crystal palace clean and although a bit chilly, the water is alive. Enjoy the gallery of a few recent scenes about the place…

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Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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