Categories: Report

And the satellite tag goes into a 750 black marlin by Gazza Crabbe

And the satellite tag goes into a 750 black marlin by Gazza Crabbe

And the satellite tag goes into a 750 black marlin by Gazza Crabbe: Captain Duarte Rato relates to us the story of how Gazza Crabbe got a satellite tag into this decent-sized black marlin. That went 750 lbs or so…a great size to be released carrying that very expensive tag around the place.

Enjoy the show!

The tag drops off and floats to the surface in a few weeks or months’ time. This data is uploaded to a satellite and relayed back down to us here on Earth. To be extrapolated and merged with the data of many other satellite-tagged marlin. This data is then used to educate and inform the policy and decision-makers when it comes to the sustainable harvest of these beautiful animals.

Unbelievably, South Africa is a top harvester of marlin and swordfish. We rake them out with long-lines by giving foreign ships permission to plough and pillage our waters. We really need to be better informed regards this fishing licensing racket that is going on. Why do we need foreign vessels catching fish in our waters? Just take a look on AIS right here. If you’ve not checked this out before you will astounded as to how many boats are out there. The fishing ones are the orange markers.

We really need to change our government completely.

Hope Duarte’s expensive satellite tag doesn’t get hustled by a long-liner.!

Back to Bazaruto

Where Africas biggest marlin tagger Duarte Rato, is hard-at-work taming and tagging billfish left, right and centre.

Check his website at to get yourself out there and in amongst those monsters. Or enquire with me Sean right here on

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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