Categories: Sightings

African Fish Eagle at Cewone, Inhambane


Submitted by: Xonalanga


Cewone Bird Camp in Inhambane, Southern Mozambique, has been reporting good news for birders to the camp.

An African Fish Eagle was logged on a flyby here recently. It has been visiting Cewone occasionally checking the fishing and Birding conditions. Although a pair have been seen before on the lake behind Machavenga (the convenient Yum Yum shop), only this Eagle has been spotted lately. Fish eagles are monogamous so hopefully this guy, or gal, finds a mate soon.

Fish Eagles here also love the frogs, which are in plentiful supply and most likely why this one patrols the wetlands out from of the camp.

Committed birder and blogger Paul Cook has begun a new blog for the Cewone Bird Camp.

Paul can be contacted on for any information regards the rich Birding that Mozambique has to offer.

Check the Cewone blog out on

Cewone fish eagle frog feast
Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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