
Accommodation Inhambane options

Accommodation Inhambane Options

A description of some of the types of accommodation Inhambane.

A few years back, the local government were keen on developing 5000 beds for tourism accommodation, in the province of Inhambane. A spate of lodges opened up. Some 4 Star, some self catering 2 Star stuff, and some backpacker spots.

At the top of the range, there are many options. Beautiful beach casas, or spotless city hotel living. There are also really remote spots, some are much quicker accessed by boat even. These grandiose and luxurious places charge top dollar, but to some, it’s worth every penny.

Then we have the string of beach lodges, some perched precariously close to the ocean or lagoons. Self catering with hot water and generator power, some are really well done and nicely run. Some aren’t. You can expect a well equipped kitchen, a swimming pool (another crazy requirement by the governo) and a nice all round, albeit very relaxed atmopshere. Very relaxed.

Backpackers are spoilt for choice and looking around can save you a pretty penny, or get you well upgraded. The backpackers were kind of the pioneers of the rejuvenated tourism vibe going on in Inhambane, and are still the lifeblood here. Great locations. Fantastic parties. Clean blue ocean with a myriad of things to do…ocean safaris, diving, fishing, touring, shopping, island hopping, overnight cruises.

Camping used to be a winner here in Tofo and in Barra. But the governo put halters on campers and only a few backpackers offer the cool facility now. And the odd lodge, but usually the further flung ones.

Private houses for rent have taken off as people are hooked up with holiday home owners, keen to rent their places out to tourists. This is a winner situation for travelers on a longer stay. Most of these type houses are jam packed in season, so the houses cannot be let out long term. Some great deals available.

All in all, Inhambane is still one of the coolest holidays available, in the world. The constant flow of travelers, the great weather, crystal clear warm water…and the many things to do and places to visit, bu land or sea, in Inhambane province, make it so attractive.

With the exchange rate so favourable, prices are like half they were a year ago, and things are hotting up tourist wise in Inhambane province. The government are trying to put in place measures to hench their fiscal disaster, but as of today, a Euro gets you 84 Mets. Two beers in the right bar. A Rand gets you over 5 Mets?! Party! For now anyway.

The gun toting crazies up north seem to like it there and whatever is going on, has absolutely no bearing on life in Inhambane at all. Except for the constant stream or incident reports from the independant news sources rattled about here, we hear nothing. Yet.

Contact us on if you need any advice or assistance with your Inhambane holiday plans.

Blue tailed mullet (centre)
The huge Inhambane Bay. Whitesands to starboard, Linga Linga to port. Panzy Island dead ahead. Sunscreen causes cancer! Get your shade on instead!
Cruising the Inhambane Estuary on a dhow. Inhambane Accommodation and trips and activities can be arranged by The Sardine Team
Drag netter in Inhambane (c) Renske Massing
The literally private beach out front of Tofo Earth Lodge offers seclusion and safe bathing...and fish to catch!
Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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