Categories: Report

20kg Sangora Yellowtail by Carl Werner

20kg Sangora Yellowtail by Carl Werner

Another informative spearfishing report by our hard working Jason Heyne…story goes he writes these reports underwater!

The diving conditions this week have been pretty average. Garrick have started filing up the north coast and some bigger couta and snoek are around.  Saturday a light offshore blows in the morning switching to a light onshore wind in the afternoon with the swell running at 1.5m. Sunday morning a light south West blows in the morning dying off later in the day with the swell running at 1.7m. So Saturday is the day for a dive if you can find viz. National spearfishing camps will Finnish up on Saturday with the team event. Also on Saturday SAUFF is holding a free entry comp weigh in at DUC 15h00 prizes for biggest snoek garrick and couta. Well done Carl Werner on getting fish of the week a 20 kg Sangora tail. As always dive safe and straight spears. 

Trawler watch 2017 - keeping an eye on the horizon
Garrick are all over the place also looking for sardines!
Carl Werner with his 20kg Sangora Yellowtail

This report is sponsored by The Umzimkulu Marina. Very well positioned family and fishing lodge, with slipway into The Umzimkulu River. Or launch at Shelley Beach – just down the road! Too easy…straight into the tail of the Mozambique current.  Protea Reef being the main attraction.


Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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