Categories: Report

17 June 2023 Sardines must be somewhere

17 June 2023 Sardines must be somewhere?

17 June 2023 Sardines must be somewhere: another lovely day again down here on the Southern Kwazulu South Coast. The offshore has just kicked in and the tide is dropping fast.

Once again, today, scour the inside channels and gulleys for small pockets of sardines trapped by the outgoing tide.

It makes the most sense to head down the SKZN coastline, on the R103, and use the high points to get a good perspective. When you spot some action, intercept it by travelling north to the next beach or bay and setting an ambush.

Late news yesterday 3 PM – sardine news in from Kevin in Qhora, way down south in the Transkei…

Thanks to Kevin in Qhora – our eyes in the deep Kei

7 AM – the offshore wind just started up, and the tide is dropping. Ideal conditions for sardines today. Water very warm though at 23 degrees or so.

8 AM – First positive report for the day comes from Illovo and Winkelspruit. Where, despite that warm water, nets have gone in. Watch the video proof right here…

9 AM – more nets going in at Winkelspruit again as the trapped shoal can only head north along the beach. Straight into the waiting nets at Amanzimtoti. There is a huge amount of action going on just south of Durban today.

11 AM – Mgazana (Just south of Port St Johns) and its surrounding waters featured many sardines in crystal clear water – an absolutely magnificent sight – today. 
At the sardine speed they are travelling, you can expect this motherload to arrive in KZN waters within a week or so.

Sardine Run 2023 Sightings Map

For a great overall perspective you can easily check out the interactive sardine and sightings map…updated constantly…right here…

2023 Sardine Run Map 

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YouTube Channels

For when it’s quiet, in between sardine shoals – we have some cool YouTube Channels to keep you entertained and informed of all things sardines, ocean and conservation.

The Sardine News

Surf Launching Southern Africa

MYDO Tackle Talk

Water Woes (best said in Afrikaans)

Enjoy the sardine run right here with us at the Umzimkulu Marina, in Port Sheptone, where Umzimkulu Adrenalin can get you out there. Catch a gamefish with Mydo Fishing Lures.

Sean Lange

Anarchist random.

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