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And another billfish in the boat…the last word…for now.

And another billfish in the boat…the last word…for now.

I hope this very well made video documentation of a 600lb fish makes you laugh as much as I did. Take note of the chair/ladder thing flying across the deck and into the wireman’s head. However, there are very many clips featuring billfish jumping into the boat – on YouTube, and not all of them have happy endings. Big fish take extra consideration.

Keep the fish behind the boat, hand on the throttle and all your concentration on the fish!

For more crazy video material on this subject…click here.

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New road for Tofo?

During President Guebuza’s visit to China it was announced that they are looking to rebuild the Lindela to Tofo road.

(Courtesy AIM)

The road from the EN1 to Tofo is often flooded, and some sections are in need of repair. The road is heavily used by business, locals and tourists. When the road floods, it cuts off Barra, Tofo and Inhambane – and the only way out is by boat or aircraft!

The roads in Mozambique have improved dramatically since the end of conflict.

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Tofo in season again…

Fish, surf, cycle, snorkel, scuba, swim, suntan, shop, eat and party. Everything for everyone here in Tofo as the nicest season gets underway.
Families and foreign tourists line the beaches and in the market you can hear the buzz as seafood harvesters negotiate with vendors who negotiate with tourists and so on.
Yes, Tofo in March is special…and sets the tone for the next few months of idyllic weather and ocean conditions.
Fortunately it gets quite full here in March, but not overcrowded. A welcome change from the absolute quiet of February and it’s sweltering heat.
Check out the advertising columns on for many options on acommodation, restaurants and fun activities.

The following pics were shot yesterday morning on Tofo Beach…

Joao Magulu is the best Natal Stumpnose hunter I have ever encountered. These fish he gets on handline in the shallow troughs down at Bamboozi and beyond.

Bicycles are great for cruising the beaches and streets of Tofo. At low tide you can ride to Barra and back with ease.

Sunbathing out front of Fatima’s Nest, a favourite for backpacker tourists.

You never what you might find on the ride to Barra!

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Surviving the heat: Barra to Linga Linga and back…

Co-ordinating the large crowd to our Barra mooring… Johnny English did a sterling job and had us under steam to Linga Linga at 11am.

The mid day sun tried to roast us on the hour long sail to Linga…but shade and excellent grilled chicken was waiting. Trolling lures never produced anything but we were treated to the amazing sight of a stingray flying through the air 3m high. Twice!
Great trip on the all new party boat -‘ Babalaza’. Powered by a twin cylinder Lister diesel, she rides soft and stable…with a draft of a few inches only!
Call us on +258 840 666 471 if you have a special occasion you’d like to make extra special. We can collect anywhere in the Inhambane bay…and can load entire kitchens with fridges if necessary.
Otherwise. The food at Linga Linga is great and the beer cold…a fantastic lunchtime break from the heat and action…

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Rock Salmon caught at Barra


A prize specimen in the Tofo market today. These hardy fish seem to be surviving the onslaught around here. Although tales of entire shoals being netted filter through. Barra is a bit of a hotspot for these fish. You just really have to know where to look.