
Zambezi vs Barbel showdown in the Umzimkulu

Zambezi vs Barbel showdown in the Umzimkulu Unbelievably, the remains of what could have been a 6 foot long barbel,…

7 years ago

Barry Viviers gets his first black marlin

Barry Viviers gets his first black marlin Fishing with Captain Derek Flaxman, from out of Cashew Bay Lodge in Inhassoro,…

7 years ago

JP Bartholomew and his GT on fly

JP Bartholomew and his GT on fly JP Bartholomew and his GT on fly is written by JP, after an…

7 years ago

Darrell Hattingh Garrick on KZN South Coast

Darrell Hattingh Garrick on KZN South Coast Paradise conditions being experienced down on the KZN South Coast. Its that beautiful…

7 years ago

Things are swinging again at Jungle Monkey in PSJ!

Things are swinging again at Jungle Monkey in PSJ! After a devastating fire that literally ate the Monkey whole last…

7 years ago

Guinjata Kingfish

Guinjata Kingfish Guinkata kingfish in the early morning - working at Guinjata in Southern Mozambique, left me with many indelible memories.…

8 years ago

Possible final sardine report for 2017

Possible final sardine report for 2017 Possible final sardine report for 2017 - although you never know! Sometimes the sardines…

8 years ago

Craft Shop for Fishing Tackle in Margate

Craft Shop for Fishing Tackle in Margate Mydo Lures are happy to announce that their availability of their fishing tackle…

8 years ago

Fish Eagle 0 Fish 1: tight game down on the Umzimkulu

Fish Eagle 0 Fish 1 Our two resident fish eagles, a pair that have been living and breeding here on…

8 years ago

Max Mogeson’s first Rock Salmon

Max Mogeson's first Rock Salmon A few weekends back we had a huge influx of fishing mad kids down at…

8 years ago

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