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2 for 2 for Brothers Janz

2 for 2 for Brothers Janz: by Cpt. Duarte Rato

The last two days with Rod, Gordon and Cármen Janz from Canada have been great with both brothers releasing their first ever Black Marlin. Yesterday was Gordon´s turn when we hooked a 200 pounder off sailfish Bay which he brought in for a release in 20 minutes. This morning it was Rod´s turn when he took the first strike of the day just before 7am and brought in a 250 pounder for a release.

We also caught a bunch of Yellowfin tuna and a 150 pound shark for Rod.

But now, It was now Carmen´s turn in the chair and altough we seeing a good number of Marlin, the lack of big girls as been surprising. But, at last, this afternoon as we worked the lures around a school of baitfish up north a really nice one showed up behind the long left lure. It come up on the lure 4 times, bill, head and shoulders out the water. We had a real good look and the fish was easy 850 + lbs. On the forth time I almost stopped the boat and the fish inhaled the lure and took off. Unfortunetly as we were briging in the other lines the fish pulled the hooks. Really sad but always good to see such a nice fish…

Today they wanted to fish for sharks and we released a 550 pound Zambezi (bull) shark and a smaller hammerhead. We also got a bunch of bonito & yellowfin!

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